Assignment Selection

Judges Selection/Criteria
1. Judge must be certified to judge the level of meet requested: JO, NATIONAL, FIG
2. Judge must be an active USAG Professional member with current Safety Certification and Background check.
3. Judge must be registered with the TGJA by filling out the TGJA Meet Assignment Application Form.
4. Judge must have shown proficiency at previous levels of competitions, progressing to the level of meet requesting.
The TGJA Technical Vice President will consult with each Meet Director, along with members of the TGJA Board, and work to get a variety of judges into every meet. Please note that years judging, levels judged, past performance, professionalism, contributions made to the gymnastics community, overall availability, proximity to a competition, and dedication to the craft are amongst the top reasons a judge is selected for any given competition.
1. Judge must be certified to judge the level of meet requested: JO, NATIONAL, FIG
2. Judge must be an active USAG Professional member with current Safety Certification and Background check.
3. Judge must be registered with the TGJA by filling out the TGJA Meet Assignment Application Form.
4. Judge must have shown proficiency at previous levels of competitions, progressing to the level of meet requesting.
The TGJA Technical Vice President will consult with each Meet Director, along with members of the TGJA Board, and work to get a variety of judges into every meet. Please note that years judging, levels judged, past performance, professionalism, contributions made to the gymnastics community, overall availability, proximity to a competition, and dedication to the craft are amongst the top reasons a judge is selected for any given competition.